What is another word for reverse engineering
What is another word for reverse engineering

what is another word for reverse engineering

For example, poor key management might be used, allowing the key to be stolen or guessed.

What is another word for reverse engineering code#

Nowadays, likely ways to break a code are through flaws in the system. The cryptanalyst can repeatedly have his chosen-plaintext encrypted by the system, and looks at the results to adjust his next attempt.

  • adaptive chosen-plaintext: this is sort of an iterative approach to known plaintext.
  • In wartime, sometimes fake information would be leaked to the enemy, hoping that it would be encrypted and help the cryptanalyst break the code.
  • chosen-plaintext: even better is when the cryptanalyst can trick his enemy into encrypting a message created by the cryptanalyst.
  • were likely to be reported to headquarters in encrypted messages. For example, weather conditions on a particular day, or place names of battles, etc.

    what is another word for reverse engineering

    In World War II, cryptanalysts worked hard to build extensive lists of "cribs"-words that were likely to appear in the enemy's messages-to exploit known-plaintext attacks.

    what is another word for reverse engineering

    This is where "reverse-engineering" really begins, because he can test his hypotheses about the algorithm against known input and output.

  • known-plaintext: having the plaintext corresponding some ciphertext is a big step toward recovering unknown plaintext from new ciphertexts.
  • This is infeasible with a good cipher, properly used. However, with good, modern ciphers, there are no patterns. The analyst tries to collect as many encrypted messages as he can, and analyzes them to look for patterns or biases in the frequency of symbols.
  • ciphertext-only: this is the hardest attack.
  • Some of the main attacks, from hardest to easiest, are Attacks fall into a number of categories, depending on what is known. In order to break a cipher, cryptanalysts use all the information they can gather.

    What is another word for reverse engineering